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The boathouse is from Bursjøen in Jyltingsmarka, east of Femund. The fishing site was used by two users from Drevsjømoen, who had seter (an outlying farmhouse) at Jyltingssetra by Halvorsjøen. Because they could live on the seter, they did not need a fishing cabin, but a boathouse to store the boat and equipment was necessary. This boathouse is built in the 1800s, using a very simple method. The two rods running through the house were used to dry the fishing nets. Outside the boathouse stands a rack, called a notross, used when drying and mending the nets. 

Earlier it was common to collect duck eggs as an addition to the household.To make the gathering easier, nesting boxes were hung along the shore. There are mostly common goldeneyes nesting in the nesting boxes on the museum area. 

Learn more about the wildlife at Blokkodden. 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2