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Sami culture

The Sami people have been herding reindeer in the Femund area for at least 100 years. Engerdal is the southernmost municipal in Norway with a thriving Sami culture. In the 1600s, it became more common to domesticate the reindeer, instead of hunting wild reindeer. By domesticating the reindeer, the Sami people would now own the reindeer. In the beginning, this was based on nomadic activity. This meant that the that the people had to follow the reindeer as they changed feeding grounds in the spring and the fall. At Blokkodden we present a complete Sami winter settlement. The end of the nomadic activity is usually connected to the end of milking reindeer, which happened in Norway between 1902 and 1964. The first Sami people who settled with reindeer in Elgå, came from Sweden in the 1800s.     

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2