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The lakes and rivers in Engerdal provide rich fishing opportunities.

Ever since the Stone Age, these fishing opportunities have provided food and a foundation for trade. These were important factors why people chose to settle in the area that today is Engerdal. Findings of numerous fishing settlements support this theory. Femund and other lakes gave the largest returns. The most important kinds of fish were trout, Arctic char and European whitefish. In the larger lakes the fall fishing was the most significant. This took place during the spawning, when large amounts of fish were gathered in one place and could be captured rather efficiently. The most important equipment was the seine and the net. Most of the farms had their own fishing spots by the large lakes. The fishing spots had a fishing cabin for accommodation and a boathouse for storing the boat and equipment.      

  • Two men in a rowing boat. One man rows and the other fishes.
    Fishing with nets on Lake Isteren in Engerdal in 1966 Kjell Søgård/Norsk Skogmuseum
Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2