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Patent cabin from Stor-Jyltingen and stable from Angelbekken

Because of the great expenses connected to building cabins, movable cabins made of different patents that could be taken apart and moved to different logging camps, were often used. The patent cabin from Stor-Jyltingen is produced at Rasta in Østerdalen and was assembled around 1950. The cabin consists of one room and a pantry outside the door. Because the cabin did not have a separate drying room, it could not be used by more than three persons, according to the regulations.

This stable was located at Angelbekken, north of Drevsjø. The floor and the ceiling is isolated, and there is an annex with hay storage and an outhouse. A makeshift addition in the end of the stable has been built in later years. This area acts as a small exhibition space.  

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2