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How to use the mobile guide

The mobile guide works by scanning the QR codes on the displays. Before you can do this, you need to install a QR code reader to your smartphone. There are several free options to choose from for Apple, Andriod and Windows Phone.

Remember to switch on the mobile Internet on your smartphone.

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    Guide til mobilguide - engelsk Maren Lund/Anno museum
  1. All over the museum, there are displays where you can read about the buildings or other constructions.
  2. On the displays, there are QR codes, one for English and one for Norwegian, to gain access to even more information.
  3. Use your smartphone to scan the QR code of the language of your choice.
  4. You will be transported to a website where you can read more about the corresponding building or construction.
Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2